Hutsul Warrior Song for Ukraine • with Nikolaj, Marian, Martin & Michal

Hutsul Warrior Song for Ukraine • with Nikolaj, Marian, Martin & Michal

While in the Czech Republic a few months after Russia invaded Ukraine, a group of musicians from different cultures within the Carpathian Mountains (Valach from the Czech side and Hutsul from the Ukrainian) came together to play a Hutsul warrior song for Ukraine.

Kaustinen area, Finland (Spring)


As we entered our second month of coronavirus lockdown near Kaustinen, Finland, the days became brighter and signs of spring were around. Hikes continued, folks started to cautiously meet and make music, and I started to take the odd country road just to see where it may lead.


Kaustinen area, Finland (Snow)


We jumped a continent and a few climates when departing India to Finland in March 2020. Two days later, the borders closed due to coronavirus and we would call a cozy cabin in Kaustinen our home for the next two months. For the first half, winter was winding down, but not before experiencing our first snows in 5 years. The world was shutting down around us, but thankfully we could still get out and hike.


Kamakura, Japan

Arashiyama, Fushimi Inari, Miyama; Japan

Kyoto, Japan


After spending two months in India, we set our sights on Japan. We landed in Osaka and immediately jumped on a train to Kyoto where we would spend the next two weeks. This album is a collection of daily life scenes, meanderings, and things that catch my eye.


Chennai, India


Arriving to India, I discovered that my passport was nearly full, and I would need another. To pick it up, one morning I bounced from Bengaluru to the consulate in Chennai (eastern coast), and walked the city until my return flight later that afternoon. I met some great folks along the way.


Bengaluru, India