Emmette Driessen On: Galicia, Spain


I am assuming you are here for the Otherlands project, but wait don’t go! Please read my blog about Galicia. 


Hello my name is Emmette Driessen, and I am on a one year trip around the world with Molly Driessen (My mom) and Casey Driessen  (Dad). Since I do School with my mom and dad, my assignment is to make a blog post. SO, let’s talk about Galicia. Galicia is located in the northwest corner of Spain. In Cangas, where I stayed for a week, there is a ferry boat that takes about 30 minutes ( but it feels like 10) to Vigo, which is right across from Cangas.

Cangas has an awesome park which is very cool. There is a tube slide  that you have to climb ropes to use .


The house that we stayed at had no WI-FI, so we all had to go to a hotel cafe and use their WI-FI. I also  went to an art class called azul zebra (blue zebra) where I painted a fox and a little red riding hood.


In Xustans, Galicia all of the houses that are not apartments have what is called Hòrreo, but it is pronounced oreo like the cookie. The Hòrreo was used to protect the seeds of the farmers from squirrels and critters that would eat the seeds. The reason I am telling you about this is because one, it is very interesting, and two, I helped film a video for my dad. I am mostly his videographer which means I start recording, stop recording, set up the cameras, turn on the lights…………… you get it.


  Here is a video I recorded. Begoña played in the video with my dad.


At the house we stayed at (it belonged to my dads friend Alfonso) there was a cat that was so sweet. His name was Calcetines (Socks in Spanish) or Argus (a Spanish beer).


Also they had a concert, it was awesome. I also had an amazing violin class with Begoña, I mean you can probably already tell she is AWESOME from the video.

Emmette out 💝

SURPRISE me and my dad.

SURPRISE me and my dad.